Up above the Memory Room board in my Creative world is a quote which states. "A person is only as Big as the dream they dare to Live" Imagine Design and Create. My favorite space!

I have thought of redoing the walls, but I love color and the wallpaper border is outdated, but nonetheless perfect for scrapbooking inspiration. I think I will leave it, because all of the colors are the colors I love and have all over this little room. I have a beautiful window I can look out as I work. The quilt on the wall was made by my daughter, of our family for our 25th wedding anniversary. I have been married for 32 years now. I have these units in here that were made for scrapbooking, but also have the oak chair painted pink, an antique folding table and an old shabby nightstand. The closet doors came off to make the room bigger and use the space of the closet for more storage.
I am not a black and white kind of gal. I love color! The framed piece on this wall is a poem that a talented friend and writer wrote and gave to me about my creative and helpful hands. It is very special to me and reminds me that my hands are not only for creating, but for SERVICE to Others!
The carpet is outdated, but it is so soft and padded that I keep it here so that my grandchildren can come in here, lay on the floor and watch a movie while I work. I recently made the cushion for this stool after painting it. I had fun trying to figure that one out.
Please scroll down for two more posts, to see
all the pictures of My Creative Space.
MIchele what a wonderful space! I love that your grandchildren watch movies while you work just perfect. It is all so wonderful! have a great weekend!
luvs and glitter
It's clean, organized and efficient AND lovely, sugar! I like it and could create quite well in that room.
OMGosh, this is an amazing space. Love the Queen.
Well, I just had to be your newest follower! I love your creative space, and anyone that has 8 kids....8, really! They have to be really interesting and fun! I scrolled ahead to your other posts and found all of the eye candy I love! If you get a chance stop by and say hi!
What an awesome place. I would get up in the morning, get a cup of joe, go in, shut the door and not come out till 10:00 at night! :) You could scrap your life away here! :)
WOW! What a super creative space! So clean and organized!
Queen Bee Studio
Love, love, love your scraproom! What a great creative space. Love my cricut, too. So, enjoyed my visit with you. Enjoy the rest of the party.
Hi Michelle,
I can appreciate your creative spaces and both are so lovely and personnal to your own taste and surrounded by the things that make you happy. My craft room is both a sewing and multimedia craft space. I also surround myself with family pictures, music that soothes me, art work of the famous and infamous, treasures from when I was little...well you know the things that you love.
I loved the tour of where you create!! Thank you!!
I wish you a great day my friend,
What a wonderful creative space!
I adore your storage solutions. You have inspired me to work on my own crafting paradise.
wow! What a terrific space to create in. I love that you have a tv to turn on for company!
Your creative space is great. Gives me ideas for when I will have my own craft room.
Deb :)
A totally fabulous space and quote! Love it! Thanks so much for the tour!
What a great Studio! You've really created a FUN and awesome working space!
How's the "newest" addition???
I still envy all those kids and Grandkids! My two boys aren't contributing yet! LOL
Stop on over and say "hi" when you get a chance..I'm doing a little giveaway for the event.
But oh my stars,,,check out my post from yesterday morning! I got to "Roo" sit,,,,not a human baby but the cutest little baby Kangaroo!! Her name is Grace,,,,I am in Love! LOL
Again, love the space and always admire your talents!!
Oh MY STARS!! I never knew!!
I couldn't even have imagined your creative space that perfectly!
YOU are Somethin' Special!!
Well what a lovely room you have to create. Put the coffee on I'm coming over! Thanks for sharing and taking a peek at my blog.
I love how your room is so eclectic and fun . . . yet perfectly organized (that's my kinda room). So cute. And I love all of the things you are giving away!
So nice that you have customized for your exact needs. I love that little blue shelf! Thank you for sharing.
Great organization and so lovely that your grandchildren can share the space with you!
A delightful space to create..spacious, bright plenty of storage and supplies to do anything your heart desires. Wow!
A delightful space to create..spacious, bright plenty of storage and supplies to do anything your heart desires. Wow!
Love, love this room! I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful giveaway items and I love your site!
Great space...I like your work too...
Lots and lots of fun artistic toys in there - I can imagine you have fun for hours and hours. I particularly liked the collaged "Create" sign on the wall - too cool! :D
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