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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day two

Not a very clear picture, but isn't this unique.  The beautiful little crystal inside is a snowflake, and I am going to attach it to the bracelet from day one's box.  This box comes from shawneett.blogspot.com             
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Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

didn't that work out well ! I hope you get more charms to add to the bracelet.

Wendy said...

How wonderful to have another charm to add to the bracelet.

Sunset97 said...

what a cute matchbox...the tuxedo is adorable...and cool that you can add the crystal with the snowflake to your bracelet...!!


Sherry said...

It's fabulous!!

Linda said...

such a unique and classy matchbox and LOVE the crystal!

Shawnee said...

Oh, I'm so glad you like it! Merry Christmas!!

Erica said...

Very cute! I received one of these too.

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