Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring is here!

I am looking out the window of my Craft Studio, and I see that the leaves are all back on the cottonwood trees.  The fields are greening up and buds and small leaves are on my fig tree too.  I know that spring is here when in the middle of March in my community, the Rotary Club hosts a grand event.  It is called the Valley Wide Yard Sale.  This year there was around 45 to attend on Friday and Saturday.  I did find some wonderful treasures, but I think I am most excited about finding an old dress form, and a small cabinet which I will post later, with the before and after photos, as I am going to redo both of them.  But I thought I would like to show you the rest of my finds from the two days. . . . . . . .   ENJOY
I love to be able to look at something lying there and imagine it as something else.  This wooden tray will become a shabby chalkboard, as much as I like Monet, this image will have to go!
I love this antique frame that I got for $1.00 because it has a small chip in the corner.  woo hoo!
 More frames and a hook with porcelain knobs
 I can never reseist porcelain bunnies, especially around Easter time.
 I have a collection of white pitchers.  I spotted these and had to have them. . . . .

 A handful of chandelier chrystals    Love these!
An assortment of old bottles and silverware.  I can repurpose all of it!

 These sweet vintage women's gloves are darling on.  They were a $1.00
 Some sweet little bottle brush trees
A wooden carving to go on the cabinet I am redoing.  Hope it fits.  This was .50 cents.

One home was selling everything, inside and out and most of it is vintage or antique.  People were carrying out dressers and tables.  My daughter found a sweet corner desk that she will redo.  This is where I found the dress form. We had to dig through lots of drawers and piles, and that is how I found all of this. . . . . . .
 An assortment of trims and laces, some are old, and some not.  Velvet brown ribbon, and a vintage crochet collar.
 I can't resist trims and lace.  Below is a true vintage trim and I think it needs to find its way to an apron.
I can't wait to find the time to get to my dress form and cabinet.  I have big shabby plans for both of them.


  1. Nice finds!! Thanks for sharing them with us.Buds have popped out on the trees her also, but the temps have dropped this week with some rain.
    Hope you are having a great week.

  2. It sounds like you had a fun and fruitful day! I look forward to seeing your other pieces when they're done. Happy spring!

  3. Wow! You have some great finds there. I absolutely love those pitchers and the lace is so wonderful! Hope you are having a blessed week.

  4. Lots and lots of great goodies and even better prices...Can't wait to see what you make with all of it. Isn't it great to have your daughter to tag along? So nice to share that love....Happy Beginning of Spring!

  5. You always find good stuff Michele!

  6. Hi I'm came to your blog via Tea Party tuesdays, even though it's actually Friday. I'm slightly behind the times!! I really like your blog and now I can't wait to see what you do with all your yard sale finds. You lucky girl you.

  7. OMG.... what a great sale! Love all your finds, especially the laces/trims... I too, cannot resist these! It's been a while since I visited, so many wonderful things to see on your blog... always a delight to the eyes and senses :) Hope all is well on your end - lucky you for having a timely Spring - we still had snow flurries this morning! yuck. Hugs, Mercedes


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