Friday, March 1, 2013

For my Birthday

My Birthday month is February, and the date is the 13th, but I am just now getting to posting all about my birthday.  I decided that I wanted to drive an hour away into Utah and shop and visit with my daughter and her family. She took me out to eat, and got out of the house by herself.  We went to one of my favorite places to eat in Utah that is called . . . . . . . . .

and I had my favorite sandwich in the world which has so much sentimental value, because it was my Mother's favorite too and whenever I would visit her, we would just have to have one of these "Turkey Bacon and Avocado on Foccacia bread.  The amazing thing about this sandwich is the bakery bread and the fact that the turkey is not deli turkey, it is pieces of roasted Turkey.  One of the yummiest sandwiches ever!
then after we ate this, we had what is know as a Chocolate Dome.  Hey, it was my birthday and it was also the day before Valentine's Day.  I even bought one for my sweetheart the next night when I would cook a lovely candlelight dinner for him.  
For my birthday my daughter gave me some vintage finds. . . . . . .

 A lovely Milk glass vase
 Three cool vintage knives that I think were Army issued. ??
 My friend Camille brought me some wonderful things in a beautiful gift bag.  She always gives me just the right gift for the moment.
 I love the glitter and French look of this basket.

 and Camille also brought this beautiful porcelain bird, which happens to be in my new favorite color.
 This was my present to myself, because I have a white pitcher collection.  Love those white pitchers.
 My Mother-in-law sent me this great "Brighton" Necklace.  I love love the amethyst stone for February! I just love Brighton Jewelry!
And Pam White put some birthday surprises in with my Candy box swap package.  Thanks to Pam  I love it all!
I have used this little handbag many times since I got it from Pam White.  I love the crown on it lots!

My oldest daughter and her family made my birthday extra special.  

But my most favorite gift came from my sweet beautiful 10 year old granddaughter  (far right) that she made herself
and wrote a sweet note to me.  I will treasure this little journal always.  
It is from Breya Michele
Love this little girl and love her misspelling too.  This is precious to me.  


  1. Happy Belated Birthday!! Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration!!

    I gave you a shout out in my latest post about winning your very generous Giveaway! once again, Thank you!!


  2. Sounds and looks like you had a great Birthday. Happy Birthday!
    What a great looking family. So many nice gifts and love your granddaughters note. :)

  3. Oh, happy birthday Michelle! Thank you for sharing your day with us -- I'm so glad you were spoiled!

  4. Happy belated birthday wishes to you Michele! Lovely gifts for a lovely person...and what a special gift from your granddaughter. xoxo

  5. Happy Belated Birthday. So glad you made that little trip. Everyone needs a day away and the great food always makes it special.
    A treasured journal, and fun goodies too, thanks for sharing

  6. I'm glad you had such a special birthday! How wonderful that your family "gets you" and knows what you love! Only my husband can manage that one.

  7. Happiest of Birthdays, dear Michelle. With the gift from your blessed granddaughter, there's no need for anything else! xoxo

  8. Hi Michelle, I so glad that you had a wonderful birthday! I love to visit my friend, there is always something that catches my eye and I find such peace and calm here. Thanks so much Michelle ... Carole xox


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