Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Simple Crepe paper Christmas Tree Tutorial.

A most simple and easy decoration to complete, without the use of hot glue.  As far as glue is concerned, I only used a little tacky glue for the top glass ball.  Everything else is pinned to the styrofoam cone.  Follow the tutorial to a quick a little crafty decoration.

I got this idea from Paper Crafts Magazine, and made them up into little kits for the Fairview Retreat.  Then I decided to do a larger one and add some Christmas red in there.  Here is a little tutorial for you.

Using regular sized straight pins, and the tiny sequin pins, I went to work.  
Start at the bottom of your Styrofoam cone.  Over lap each layer, so the pins don't show.
Pin into place as you pleat the crepe paper.  
Trim the excess crape paper off.  
I found my supplies at JoAnne's.  These little picks are perfect, because they are already attached to wire, and they are so glittery!
Clip off each ball leaving about 3/4 inch wire to stick into tree cone.

Randomly stick the balls all over the tree.  They should go in fairly easily.  If you want them to be super secure for a long time, you could put some hot glue on stems before you poke them in.  I did not.  They stay just fine.  Next add your tinsel around the top, by using the pins too!  I wrapped around twice, but this is optional!

Note*  these trees are not good for children.  Keep them out of reach of little ones.  Any colors of crepe paper could be used.  Hope you have a crafty Christmas season!


  1. I love this idea! Thank you for sharing!


  2. So original and cute! Great idea how to decorate your home for Christmas!:)
    Lots of greetings:)

  3. These are fabulous, Michele--such a great idea & a wonderful tutorial you've provided for us, too!!!

    Hope you're having a beautiful day, dear friend!


  4. Oh, aren't these easy and fabulous!! What a great idea! They will make great centerpieces!


  5. Hi there, these are so cute..they remind me of Christmas tree angels! ;D

  6. Very sweet Michele, they are super cute! I really like the white, red and silver one. Thanks for sharing such sweet ideas.


  7. Michele-These turned out SO pretty! I can't wait to make mine now! I love the white one too. I have a question for you on your e-mail about them!

  8. Hey what a nifty, festive idea and decorate any way you like.
    I've done a tutorial on a Christmas card you may like to check out.
    Creative hugs,

  9. You have inspired me, I'm pff to start decorating for the holidays.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

  10. These are Splendid! Nice Tutorial! Thank You For Sharing! Tee

  11. love these thanks for thinking of me.

  12. How cute! Thanks for showing us!

  13. I'd been looking for some crepe paper trees that did NOT involve sewing. These are beautiful. Thanks for sharing - I might give it a try.

  14. They turned out so cute! Perfect for someone who doesn't want to sew or use hot glue.....

  15. Made these last night and didn't know I had the same balls on hand already! Thanks for the tute!

  16. wow! so cute! i'm pinning these, glad you showed them to me (:


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