Monday, August 22, 2011

Terrific Transferware. I love mine!

Something else I love to look for, when antiquing is dishes in the transfer ware style.  I don't know why, but I get so excited to find something unique and picturesque.  And half of the fun for me is turning it over to see where it was made.  I am not sure if all of the following pieces qualify as transfer ware, I have heard some refer to these types of dishes as toileware. I would love to get some input!  Any experts out there?
"The Friendly Village"  Johnson Bros. Staffordshire, England
The larger plate is more Johnson Bros. Staffordshire, England also "Friendly Village, and the smaller plate is "Myotts Bouquet"  also Staffordshire, England.  I think that many china companies are in Staffordshire, England
"Old English bouquet"  Ridgway Staffordshire England

The red and cream ceramic is a little candle holder.  In the front of that is Royal Homes of Britain "Hampton Cout Palace" (built in 1515) made in England  Johnson Bros.
This plate is a "Spode" definitely unique!
Copeland "Spode" England FLORENCE  
This little cup in the front is a souvenir from "Anne of Green Gables"  the larger mug in the back is "Crown Trent" Staffordshire England.
This is the saucer which belongs to the cup above and it says, ENGLAND 1760 Leeds 1878
a reproduction in 1932.
  Historical collection  England
 More Johnson Bros.  Made in England  (Coaching scenes)
I love the floral green!  Made in England  Strattfordshire
I love this one with the embossed raised edge.  This one was made in the USA
This also comes from a company in the USA  I think it is from a restaurant set of Dishes.  
Our Everyday dishes.  Not from England, just copy and made in China, but I love them anyway!
This set suppliments our everyday.  Just wanted to have extra.   
Hope you have enjoyed this post about transferware dishes.   


  1. Amazing collection,I love it!
    Everything is wonderful.

    Kisses and greetings:)

  2. Lovely! My aunt had a set of square Johnson Bros dishes. I remember she used to put them in the oven to warm the up before setting the table.

    When she passed away, I was given the choice of that set or her Dresden china. I took the Dresden china but oftentimes wish I had taken the Johnson Bros dishes as I remember those more :)


  3. You have some beautiful pieces, some of which I don't see very often.

  4. It is gorgeous, but I don't know anything more than that, I can't believe your collections survived all the kids...they must be very well mannered LOL!


  5. Oh my gosh!! That one set is called The Friendly Village! I know this because my mom and dad have every piece ever made and place settings for 18 I think it is now. They fell in love with it in about 1972 and have been collecting it ever since. When they lived in England they were able to buy pieces not available here. Way cool memories.

  6. thanks so much for coming by my Blog for a visit!

    I am drooling over all this beautiful transferware! I have just started collecting transferware in black and white!

    Have a wonderful day!


  7. What beautiful pieces of transferware you have!! Stunning!!


  8. Your dishes are all so beautiful!!!
    I LOVE the green ones!
    My mother had a huge set of the green, and we used them everyday.

  9. You are an amazing woman. And I belong to Relief Society too. Your blog is so beautiful and you are awesome.

  10. Thank you for your kind comment' made me cry. I tried to follow you but it say's I already am, I'd love you to be one of my follower's.We have something in common (something special).

  11. Hi: What beautiful Transferware. I too love it. I collect red. Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful cups with us. Have a great week. Martha

  12. Thanks for sharing your collection! That blue and gray floral Spode plate with the roses in the center is magnificent, I want a whole set!

  13. What a treat to see your post! It is full of beautiful things to admire. You have such a lovely collection and I love every single one of your tea cups!
    Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  14. Gorgeous collection! Thank you for sharing - your photographs are beautiful. I love pretty tea cups and glassware of all kinds!

  15. I was born in Staffordshire, and most of my ancestors on my paternal side were in the pottery industry. What incredible artistry they created. Many of the potteries have closed down now.
    Beautiful post, thank you..


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