Monday, May 2, 2011

All this talk about the Royal Wedding!

My daughter posted some of her wedding pictures on her blog and called it her 'Royal Wedding.' She has set up a linky tool, so that others can share their wedding pictures too. September 22, 1978 was our wedding date. That was almost 33 years ago, and we have been happily married since. Isn't my husband so cute? So here are some of our "Royal Wedding" photos.

Yes, those, were the days of hats and quiana gowns. That hat was designed and made by my mother. My husband called it my victory hat, as he thought it looked a little bit like the 3 musketeers. I wish I still had my hat, with all that beautiful vintage lace on it. I was wearing my mothers pearl earrings too. And all my flowers were silks.

I wish I could go back to that day just once more. There is nothing like your wedding day when you are truly truly in love!
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  1. beautiful Wedding, I lake it!
    Kisses and happy new week.

  2. Ohhh beautiful pictures, what a gorgeous elegant dress too ... you look fab
    have a lovely weekend
    hugs June xxxxx

  3. What a fun walk down memory lane. I look at my wedding pictures and wish I could change a few things sometimes. Just simple things like fresh verses silk and how I wore my hair. Great memories though with all our own Royal Weddings. I think most of our marriages have lasted longer than some other Royal Weddings too! Now that I think about it I guess I wouldn't change a thing!

  4. Mom thank you so much for posting pictures of your royal wedding to my blog. You and Dad are so cute together! I love your wedding pictures a lot! Thanks Mom!

  5. love love these pics. you guys are soo cute together. mom what a beautiful bride you were:)


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