Saturday, April 30, 2011

The past weeks project for a swap!

The other project I needed to complete this week is for the Vintage Brooch Mother's day swap hosted by Linda Smith at a Swap for all Seasons. We were supposed to send a vintage brooch, or it could by made from something vintage, and package it up in a lovely way or present it in a beautiful manner. I had this vintage brooch frame so I took a piece of vintage hanky and placed it in the middle. Then I found this wire basket recently at a thrift store, and thought I would make a pin cushion for it to place the brooch on. I have put it all in the mail to my partner in Pittsburg, PA I love the way it turned out, and I am getting crazy about pin cushions, and vintage brooches.

Hope my partner will like her Mother's day brooch!
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  1. that "blessing" dress is absolutely lovely! what a nice tradition you've started. so special. love the brooch as well! :)

  2. BEAUTIFUL, Michele! The blessing dress is just exquisite! What lucky little grandbabies you have!

    The brooch and pincushion you made are just wonderful! Your swap partner will be thrilled!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend, my friend!


  3. Oh wow. That blessing dress is just precious! I absolutely love it. Thank you so much.

    (And I wish I were your swap partner this time around, hehe.)

  4. Thanks for stopping by the pixie blog to let me know about the swap, but the link on the top of your side bar is not working, I would like to check it out, please advice!

  5. What a beautiful little dress. All six are destined to become family heirlooms.

  6. I'm sure you partner will love the brooch. Love the pincusion too. Wasn't this a great swap.

  7. did such an amazing job!! Soooo the pin & pin cushion!!


  8. very sweet! Looks like another fun swap.

  9. Such a weet brooch and wonderful packaging idea. thanks for sharing and have a great day. Angela

  10. Such a pretty brooch and lovely little basket.... beautifully packaged. Wasn't it fun!

  11. OMG!! This is just wonderful Your partner will be very pleased. Nice job you did. Happy Mother's Day, Hugs Mary


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