Monday, November 15, 2010

TA DAH More French touches to my Space.

Okay, I have been working on this one all weekend and  finished it today. This aged
board above the window in my craft room. (Quick tutorial is the next post down).
I have been working on changing everything, so much of the color is being removed from the room.
This textured
aged board used to say 'The Memory room' in big yellow letters, so it was
time for a change!

My valance also got changed.  Same
valance, just removed some of the
colors.  I repainted the rod too. and
then I just stapled the ribbon to the wall and tied the rod to the wall.  That is a little trick I have used for years, to sometimes put up a little valance.  Then I hung a chandelier crystal on three of the V's on the valance.  Okay, I have got to quit working on the room redo and get to the Christmas crafts and gifts.  I wish there were more time in each day.

This stamp shelf was built especially for my wooden stamp collection. This redo
on the shelf was a good time to really look at my stamps and get rid of the ones I don't use.

I painted this frame  found at a yard sale, with my favorite new spray paint
color. Hammered Iron from Rust-o-leum.

Then I found a vintage photo off the internet that I liked for the frame.
She is such a striking little beauty.

I have added to the stamp shelf, some of
my favorite little things too, including a
photo of my mother's stewardess days as
a temporary blonde in a small oval frame from a
garage sale.
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  1. I love what you're doing to your room. You make me tired with all your creativity...If only, if only...(Love you!)

  2. Looking good lady. I like the valance.
    Happy Thanksgiving. yvonne

  3. I am impressed Michele.

    The room certainly looks different... and I love it!


  4. Oh my goodness!! It looks even better than I imagined! You, my dear lady, are completely and utterly amazing!

    Thanks for being such a wonderful you!

  5. oh your shop is heavenly! I would love to create in there! I am loving your aged board tutorial and have 2 such "signs" that i would like to transform. will give it a try now! TFS!

  6. Hi Michele, I came across your blog through Katherine's Corner. I love your posts, great photos, especially this french inspiration.
    Have a great weekend!...Heidi

  7. Wow, I really love your stamp corner!


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