Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bring it On!!!!

I love this vintage halloween
postcard. I guess I am rushing
halloween, as my daughter should
be over her really bad pregnancy
sickness by then. Poor thing, I just
can't wait for her to feel better.
Halloween is what we are all 
shooting for!

I made this mouse from a pattern 
I designed in the 80's for my craft 
business. She was sent to Kerry 
for our Year of Enchantment swap 
with a mouse theme. My mind went 
to Christmas automatically when I 
thought of cute little mice.

I must be rushing Christmas too. 
will have a Askeroth Grandson 
just after Christmas, so I am
anxious for that to come too.

Here is more of my fall decor at my fire
place. I am hurrying that along too, may-
be because it really is fall and it is still HOT
in the day time here. Come on Fall weather!
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  1. Hello! what a lovely crafts you`ve got, they are amazing!!! I`m your new follower and I like invite you follow my blog, do a visit on it too, because I like made handcrafts, Have a nice day. CARLA

  2. YOU are so good at the creativity and decorations.


  3. Love the vintage card! Where do you find that stuff? By the way, I made a button for my should replace the one on your blog for the new one. Love ya!

  4. I don't think you're rushing the season-it all looks great to me! Thanks for stopping by!


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