Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Very Vintage Summer Swap-What I sent and received

This is what I sent out for the Very
                                                   Vintage Summer Swap.  I had fun putting this together. 
I put it all in a peanut shaped basket and added
some lovely old doilies.  I love to tag everything. 
There was some antique earbobs as well and the
canning cookbook from the 50's.  Swapping is one
of my favorite things to do lately, and I love the people I am connected with through it all.And below is what I recieved from Karen
These are the things I recieved in the vintage swap hosted by Heidi Devlin over at foxgloves fabric and folly and sent to me by my partner, Karen from Minnesota. She sent me all the things I love to collect. First two of these candle stick in pink mercury glass. I imagine this pink mercury glass is rare, as I have never seen any before.
This toileware plate, and beautiful teacup and saucer.
The Teacup is on 3 pedestals and I have a small collection of these type of teacups.
The doily underneath is something she sent also.

Here is most of what I recieved from Karen.
Thanks so much to her for the vintage patterns,
picture frame, The tin was full of vintage sewing
notions-spools of thread ribbon, etc., and vintage
handkerchief. Also a sweet little package of
decorative tissues.
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  1. I think I would be extremely nervous sending vintage collectables via USPS or any mail service... but it seems to be ok.

    Very cool stuff Michele.


  2. I love that Lily of the Valley C&S. A lucky partner!

  3. What treasures! Your swap partner will be happy indeed. ; )

  4. Hi Michele, I am your new Bloggerette Sister.Your blog and works are absolutely beautifull:))
    Greetings from Europe, Biljana

  5. it is all so pretty.....someone is very lucky!

  6. Wow! These items are so beautiful!

  7. Dear Michele,
    Today was the first time on this wonderful blog.
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    I send you warm greetings from the Croatia.
    Zondra Art

  8. both packages are very lovely.

  9. Pretty! From the picture it looks like pink carnival glass.

  10. i love all of your beautiful things! you are so talented, and i wish i could be as talented as you someday!

  11. Oh, your blog looks wonderful!
    Thank you for sharing!
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    Have a good afternoon!


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