Thursday, May 27, 2010

Where I sew

My sewing area is also my laundry area, but there are more cupboards and drawers in this room than anyone would know what to do with.
I did this a a few years ago. I love to paint everything black for the background and then accent with color.
Very old mending floss, straight pins, thimbles, and shoe lacer/bone handle
Here is where all the sewing and serging happens.
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  1. Oh Michele, what a great space! Love the black shadow box :)

    luvs and glitter

  2. I wish my laundry room was big enough to sew in also, but I have to make do with an extra bedroom, sweetpea. Looks adorable though.

  3. Oh no -- way too neat!! Lucky you!

  4. Someday I am going to come over to your house and just bask in it's loveliness. You wouldn't mind...would you?!

  5. and it is so clean....I better not show you where I
    Actually I have shown it several times but only when it is pretty and nice...

  6. Michele, you are SEW neat, I first have to send in a crew of trackers to locate my sewing machine before I can get any work done, good for you!
    I finally got around to posting about the beautiful tags you sent me, sorry it took so long. Inspired by you, I made an additional set that I am giving away.
    Thanks again so very much, enJOY a beautiful weekend,


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