Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter Sunday!

When I was in Utah this past week, I
stayed at my friend Carla Morris' home.
She had Easter bunnies at every turn.  I
really got into the Easter mood with
staying there. She was such a lovely
hostess, I felt like I was in a wonderful bed
and Breakfast. Thanks so much to Carla!
Here are some of her bunnies.  

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  1. Hi Michele.... I can see how you would be inspired by those beautiful bunnies ;) They are so sweet.

    Don't you just love Easter!

    Take Care..... Ruth

  2. Hi Michele,

    I am so pleased that you are happy with your award!! You are such a lovely lady and have a beautiful blog. I knew you would enjoy having this award.
    I wish you a wonderful day!


  3. What beautiful rabbits! I used to collect rabbits when I was a kid & still have a few.


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