Here is what I put inside the box. . . . . .
and I also made some other goodies for her. . . . . .
a swag in a vintagey sort of display
A Halloween choker for my partners neck.
I also made a little snap purse and filled it with dove chocolate. Then I decorated a small bottle and filled it with brown rich which was suppose to be Goblins Teeth.
My Partner completely spoiled me and sent the items in two boxes. Here are some of the cute things she sent to me.
My partner was Jeannie of jeankneen flickr. o The matchbox goes well with the first machbox I recieved two years ago, when I started doing this swap for Halloween.
Just look at this cute stuff. So retro and kitschy and I love it all. She even included some cupcake toppers, which I gave to my daughter for her Halloween party. She also sent me my very favorite dark chocolate truffles.
I think that this swap was. . . . . . . . . . .(spooktacular) DON'T YOU?