Monday, April 30, 2012

What's new around here!

Much happenings, around here.  Tea parties, and playing with grandkids.  Projects completed and new displays.  I have been working in my yard, trying to get it back in shape.  It is lots of work here in the desert to make it presentable.   Come along with me in this post and see what I have been up to in the past week!
The centerpiece for our day together. I have added the soft shades of pink.  A tea party with this little cutie pie Evelyn below!
Every time she comes to Grammy's house, she wants to put on the princess crown and the dress I made for her for Halloween!  (we keep it here so she won't wear it day and night)  She will be 4 this month and lives just 3 miles from me.  
Our Tea Party was with Waffles and strawberries and orange juice!
Remember the vintage Avon perfume bottle I found at a yard sale?  Well I found this clock image online and glued on the front!  Then I did my little mercury glass treatment on the lid.
Another faux mercury glass treated project.  This was a plain white ceramic frame from the thrift store.
I painted this cast iron finial white and I love the contrast between these two antiques.
I have been collecting more lonely salt and pepper shakers that are not matched up, for glitter, beads etc.
 I finished this wall over the weekend!  The prints are from the Graphics Fairy, and I mounted them on some patterned paper and re-covered one layer of the mats with antique German bible pages, then distressed the frames after painting them white. And the mirror was purchased at a yard sale for $5.00 and was gold, and I painted it white and gave it a coating of glaze.  This wall is by my front door!
Before I changed them!

  Love these French chair images.  
 I have to show off this adorable little flapper girl which is my youngest grandchild right now.  My daughter-in-law gave this to me a few days ago, so I found this vintage frame, also from a thrift shop and painted it.  I think it is perfect for the photo of little Claire!  She is so darn sweet and those eyes can just melt you! I could just cuddle with her 24/7, but she lives two plus hours away!  I love my life!
We love our spot here in Southern Nevada, and this is what I get to see most mornings when I look out my large picture bay window!  I have probably taken this picture before, but this one was just taken!
When we get up, we look out this window and this is what we see. . . . . .we open the door to smell the fresh air.  Lots of mornings it is crisp and has the smell of alfalfa hay!  It is always green in the spring and this pasture gets plenty of water as you can see!
My son took this picture a couple of days ago.  We feel as though we live on a beautiful pond.  It is irrigation water, but it is there 6 days out of the week.  There are mallards and Canadian Geese that usually spend lots of time there.  We love it and have named it "Lone Duck pond" lol.  The mountain in the background is called 'Mormon Mountain"  There are many white Arabian horses over there, and longhorn cattle.  I can't imagine living anywhere else!
Here is the large bay window we look out of!
Coleus plants are some of my favorites.
some flowers in my big pots out front!  Petunias work well until it gets really hot!  Then I have to replace them with Vinca which are very tolerant of the desert heat!
A close-up of the window boxes in front of the bay window!  Hope you all have a lovely spring week!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Won't change it again until Fall!

Here is my newly arranged teacup shelves and dining area done up for summer.  I won't change it again until the fall.  I have gotten so I must have and use my mercury glass each and every season or holiday!

I love my green transferware here.  Wish I had more of these pieces.

Some things I just have to use all year long.  Like the antique music medallion I made last December.  Hope you all have a lovely last week of April, and may all your springtime wishes come true!
Wait, just added these pictures to the mix, because I just made this over the weekend.
I spray painted an old frame with a mirror in it.  The mirror was in there to good and so just painted the over the mirror too.  I thought to myself, what could I mount on the front of it and I remembered this decorative spoon that a friend made for me and gave me years ago.  I think it looks really spiffy on this white frame, don't you?
 Remember the candlestick I got on Saturday?  Well I just sprayed it silver and did a faux mercury glass treatment on it.

A glass chimney finishes it off really nicely!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Saturday morning SALE-ING finds

Saturday morning, I was out with my daughter to visit some Yard Sales, and we were able to find some fun Vintage things.  My daughter however doesn't necessarily look for the vintage like I do.  It is all about things for her home that she can re-purpose or toys for her toddler.  But I was able to find some really fun little treasures and I think my grand total was $4.oo today!  Here is what I found!  I think the candlestick up above will turn into a faux mercury glass candlestick.  These items surely tell the truth of "What is one man's junk is another man's treasure."
 This vintage Avon bottle.  I want to find an old clock face image for the front
 The back of the bottle.
 I found this adorable baby vase complete with working music box on the back.  I love the vintage "50's feel here, although is probably is not that old.

These glass bowls will be great for. . . . . .
 this plate to make. . . . . . .
 one of these!
 I love little white pitchers and don't have any that look like this one!
I know her paint is worn off, but I could not resist her cuteness anyway!
this old muffin tin was a dime!  I am sure it will get painted for my drawer full of beads etc.
this is not old, but I love it's look.  I am sure it will be painted also!  I will post the items when they have been re-done for sure!  What a fun time we had going Sale-ing.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Needlebook swap

Here is the needlebook that I sent to Dee Fowler in Laurie Jackson's (Button Floozies) Springtime Needlebook swap.

And here is the Needlebook that was sent to me by Wendy Wirth
She sent me some great buttons along with it and it was wrapped up in this darling embroidered dishtowel.  I love it! 

 Her Needlebook was completely handstitched.  I love the lace doily and crocheted lace.
.....and then upon opening it, I found these wonderful brooches and a stickpin.  thanks so much to Wendy!